Search for families from Østerå by use of TNG

(The Next Generation of Genealogists)

(Due to technical and editorial problems, this site will not be ready for use until autumn 2024)
When you use this link, you will be able to search for persons. Please note that you will only be able to find persons that already excist in ‘Slekter fra Østerå’. This link gives you the possibility to look at your family in a different way.
First – search for a person that you would like to know more about. You will find a site with the person in question, his or her parents, the spouse(s) and children. You can click on everybody that is underlined. The person you clicked on, will then become the main person.
Above the first person you will find a menu bar;
Person – family – ancestors – descendants – kinship – timeline – suggestions
Family – a schematic overview
Ancestors – the ancestors of the person in question
Descendants – the descendants of the person in question
Kinship – here you can find your relation to a person in your family
Timeline – Not in use
Suggestions – goes without saying
The search for persons is meant to be an aid in order for you to keep control of your family. When we start registering a family going back to the early 18 century, it is easy to lose control, even though we register all the children of an ancestor before we continue with his or her siblings and their children.
By the use of ‘Slekter fra Østerå (families from Østerå)’ you can search for persons you want to know more about. The homepage will contain more information and photos than you will find in ‘Slekter fra Østerå’.
Remember – the home page is under constant development. We are only two individuals working on this project, so the progress is somewhat slower than we could wish for.
If you find any errors (which we think you will), we would appreciate a written feedback from you.